You may be wondering what turns girls on. If you want to know how to get your girl excited, here are 3 non-sexy moves that can turn her on in the bedroom. These moves include setting the mood, talking dirty, and touching. Once you know how to get her excited, you can do these things with any girl. These moves are sure to be effective for any girl, so make sure to try them out if you want to make your love life a success.

What Turns Girls on 3 Non-Sexy Moves to Get Her Excited
What Turns Girls on? 3 Non-Sexy Moves to Get Her Excited

Non-sexual moves that turn a girl on

Touching a girl’s hair is a non-sexual move that turns a woman on. It gives a girl a sense of safety and security and demonstrates that you are a man who is not afraid to make women feel comfortable. Touching a girl’s hair affects her mental, emotional and physical aspects. Touching her hair can be very sensual and make a girl feel loved and protected all at the same time.

Several non-sexual moves can be entrancing, and they are often unnoticed. For example, a guy may squirm by making her laugh, or a woman may find a guy creepy when he giggles. Women are incredibly sensitive about body language, and non-verbal cues can also increase attraction. Researchers at Superdrug asked women what non-sexual things men did that turned them on. Those who grew a beard or held a baby ranked fourth and fourteen respectively.

Talking dirty

A basic rule of dirty talk is to tell a girl what she wants before you do it. Men will often tell women to “think dirty” when they first start talking to them, but this is not the case. A woman’s imagination is often the strongest factor in turning a man on, and a book like 50 Shades of Gray is a hit with women. Guys, on the other hand, are more likely to be aroused by visual images.

A woman’s eardrums can pick up on the sexiest words, and talking dirty is no exception. When you start a conversation with her, use words that express your feelings about her body. Using words to describe her favorite body part is a great way to turn a girl on. Use a low, deep pitch when you talk to a woman. A deep voice is also the best way to demonstrate dominance.

Setting the mood

One of the easiest ways to turn a girl on is by setting the mood. A well-staged environment is a great place to start. It’s no secret that those in long-term relationships who create a sensual atmosphere are happier and more sexually satisfied. You don’t have to spend a fortune on fancy lights or a posh music selection, but creating a romantic atmosphere is a great way to turn your partner on.

Touching her

There’s a lot of mystery surrounding the matter of touching girls. What works and what doesn’t, and how to use the right touch to turn a girl on are two different things. While most guys think grabbing girls at the right points can make a girl feel seductive, this is not true at all. Instead, it’s important to develop a rapport with a girl through physical touch. You can do this by creating a tension between you and your girl that turns her on.

First of all, understand that girls are more sexual than guys. To turn a girl on, you can talk about how much you want her. If she’s OK with it, tell her that. Make sure you’re not too gross. A woman doesn’t want to feel gross or angry, so it’s important to be respectful of her body. Once she says “no,” stop. Otherwise, you’ll only end up making her feel angry and scared.