So, what do you look for in a guy? Most women will fall for good looks, but they should look beyond that. While physical appearance is an important factor in a relationship, love, affection, and appreciation are equally important. A man should make you feel appreciated and special. Here are a few qualities that he should possess:

What Do You Look For in a Guy 10 Qualities He Should Possess
What Do You Look For in a Guy? 10 Qualities He Should Possess

Positive qualities to look for in a guy

While the physical looks of a guy might impress you, the positive quality you should look for is a key to making him stay. Having a positive attitude is an excellent way to keep your mental health and outlook on life intact. Positive guys are not only good partners, but they are also beneficial to your mental health. Here are 10 qualities you should look for in a guy. You might not even realize they are qualities that you want in your future partner.

Integrity is another quality that you should look for in a guy. Men with integrity will never betray your trust. Integrity is a quality that can be seen in good looks, financial stability, and a positive outlook. Having a positive attitude helps lift your spirits and get through tough times. Therefore, when it comes to dating, you should be looking for men who are committed to maintaining integrity.

Ability to deal with emotions

When a girl wants to get a guy, the most important thing she can do is learn how to handle his emotions. Men are known to be emotionally immature, but there are many ways to overcome these feelings and make a guy like you. Here are some things you can do. Read on to learn how to handle your guy’s emotions. Once you understand his emotional state, you can work on improving your communication skills and rekindling his interest in you.

Being polite

Being polite to someone is a great way to attract their attention. It lets them know that you respect their opinion and are considerate. Being polite to others is one of the simplest gifts that you can give to them. This way, they’ll respect you as well. And since you’re a human, they’ll be more likely to be polite to you, too. Here are a few tips on how to be polite to a guy.

Being polite can save you a lot of trouble. Guys who act rudely to women often get called out by their friends, and they might be tempted to respond with a sarcastic joke. Despite their good intentions, you need to realize that they’re only acting nice to get what they want. So, it’s best to switch modes to attract women. Don’t forget to keep your cool when flirting with a guy.


If you’re looking for a man who’s confident, you should look for his inner strength and sense of style. Confident men don’t let others determine who they are or what they like. They are able to remain true to their character and values regardless of their social settings. Confident men are proud of who they are and understand that they have room to improve. They don’t resort to confrontation or aggressive gestures.

Moreover, if you see a man with high self-confidence, he will engage in conversations with you and interact with you. He will not hide in a corner when you are with him, and he will probably not leave the house if he doesn’t feel comfortable with you. Confident guys will spend more time engaging in conversations and socializing than shy guys. They’ll be more attractive to women than average-looking men.

Having core things in common

In a relationship, it’s important to have core things in common with your partner. These shared values are the bedrock of a successful relationship. They may include similar political views, religious beliefs, or even ideas about the future. It’s easy to find out if two people share these core values, so ask them directly. Then, if you have a few things in common, it will be easier for you to recognise if the other person is a good match.