When it comes to the bedroom, the older guys like a woman with a certain amount of confidence. This is because old guys don’t have as much time or patience to deal with a woman’s insecurities.

What Do Older Guys Like in Bed
What Do Older Guys Like in Bed?

A woman with confidence is an instant turn on for men. In addition to confidence, older guys like a woman with a good sense of self and a strong sense of self-esteem.

Hand jobs

Hand jobs are a great way to give your partner a little extra pleasure. While some guys think that hand jobs are childish and inappropriate, others enjoy getting away with it. Regardless of whether your partner likes hand jobs or not, remember that the most important thing is that he’s into it.

Hand jobs can be very sensual, and are more varied than blow jobs. They allow you to use both hands to vary the amount of pressure and pace, and you can also work other areas of his body. For instance, you can lick and press against his labia. You can even use your hands to make him scream.


The key to a satisfying sex life with an older man is to make him feel good about himself. This means improving your sensuality and knowledge of your partner’s body. Older men like sexual partners who have confidence and enthusiasm. They like to feel that you trust them and will take good care of their needs.

Older men are more open to new experiences. For instance, they may be interested in fetishes. These can be fun to explore, and they can give your relationship some spice. Fetishes like foot worship and prostate stimulation can give your partner a new experience.


Older men like a woman who takes the lead during sex. Unlike young guys, they do not like to feel like a begging child and enjoy making the woman the center of attention in bed. They also enjoy communication and peace of mind. Therefore, a woman who takes the lead during sex will be the most desired sex partner for an older man.

Older men appreciate women who show enthusiasm for sex and are confident in themselves. It will show them that they are still physically attractive and wanted. They also want to feel that their partner is confident in her abilities.


When it comes to communication in bed, you and an older guy may be on opposite sides of the spectrum. Whether you are a woman or an older man, it’s important that you communicate clearly communicate your needs. Older men have more experience with what works and what doesn’t, so you should learn to communicate well and listen to what your partner has to say.

The first step to ensuring a great sex life with an older man is understanding the expectations that they have of you. Many older men may have very strict standards for how a woman should look. This can be sexist and hurtful. Some older men might be more attracted to younger women simply because of their looks or physical attractiveness.

Electra complex

If you are a guy who is interested in older women, there is a good chance that you might be suffering from the Electra complex. This phenomenon is also known as the Oedipus complex, after the Greek tragedy of the same name. It suggests that boys and girls are in sexual competition for their mother’s attention. It can manifest in many different ways, and for both sexes.

In the mythological myth, the goddess Electra represents the feminine equivalent of the Oedipus complex. The idea of an Electra complex was first introduced by Carl Jung in 1913, though Freud was not a supporter of this theory. During childhood, girls develop hostile feelings towards their fathers. They blame their mothers for not giving them a penis, and eventually try to imitate their mother.

Women who aren’t afraid to tell them what they want

The first step to getting a man’s attention is to be direct. Many women are taught to “play hard to get” by using their bodies as rewards. Men come to expect sexual access from women in exchange for dinner dates and bouquets of roses. When they aren’t given what they want, they get frustrated and angry.