Everyone dies in one way or another, but not everyone meets their maker the same way. Sometimes, it can be pretty weird.

The Weirdest Ways People Have Died
The Weirdest Ways People Have Died

A few people have died in some of the most unusual ways possible. Here are a few examples of these bizarre deaths from history.

Dancing Plague

It’s a well known fact that people die, but they can do so in a variety of ways. While it’s not uncommon for someone to pass away due to an accident, a medical condition or a natural disaster, there are some who have died in the most bizarre of ways.

The Dancing Plague was a mysterious epidemic that plagued Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries. The mania saw hundreds of people dance themselves into a frenzy until they collapsed and died.

Some historians suggest the dancing mania was caused by ergot, a mould that grows on the stalks of ripening rye and can cause jerking movements and hallucinations. Others point to stress, religious fervor and poverty.

But the best explanation for the dancing plague may be a combination of all of these factors. One of the most compelling theories is that it was a manifestation of mass psychogenic illness, a phenomenon wherein the mind and body take on a life of their own.

King Adolf Fredrik

During his time on the throne, King Adolf Fredrik was only a figurehead as power in Sweden was concentrated in the Riksdag (the Swedish Parliament). He attempted to overthrow the parliamentary body twice, but each time the plot failed.

As a result, King Adolf Frederick was seen as a weak and incompetent ruler. But he did have a good heart, and was fondly remembered as a kind king by his family, friends and servants.

He was a part of Sweden’s Age of Liberty, a time when civil rights improved and wars were rare. In 1766, the Swedish parliament passed the world’s first laws aimed at supporting freedom of speech and press.

Joao Maria de Souza

In Brazil, a man named Joao Maria de Souza died in the bizarre, and unfortunate, way of being crushed by a cow. The one-ton animal escaped from a farm near his house in Caratinga, and stepped on his cheap corrugated asbestos roof, which collapsed under its weight.

The cow fell eight feet down on to his sleeping body, and he was killed instantly. His wife was also in bed with him, but the animal narrowly missed her, and she didn’t suffer any injuries from the incident.

Police in the town of Caratinga have launched an investigation into the strange death. They are examining whether the owner of the animal, who could face charges of involuntary manslaughter, was negligent.

Raining Cows

Throughout history, there are many strange and unlucky people who have died in the most unexpected ways. From being belly slammed to being killed by sheep, these people have been shuffled off this mortal coil in some of the weirdest ways possible.

Cows are known to lie down in anticipation of rain, and this has been a well-known piece of folklore for a long time. The theory suggests that cows sense the increasing air moisture before a storm and plop down to keep a patch of grass dry.

However, this has not been proven to be true. There have been several different theories put forward, including that cows are sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure due to rain, and that they may lie down in anticipation of milk production.

Another explanation is that cows may have a harder time digesting food when it’s wet. This could lead them to lie down, which would help ease their digestion and potentially increase their milk production.