Scorpios are known for their intensity and a desire for constant transformation. This is because they are ruled by Pluto, which is associated with the underworld, death, and rebirth.

The 7 Stages of Scorpio
The 7 Stages of Scorpio

In terms of their evolution, Scorpios go through a few different phases that are represented by three distinct totem animals: the scorpion, the eagle, and the phoenix.

1. The Scorpion Stage

Scorpios are known for their intensity, mystery, and love of sex, death, and transformation. However, their venomous sting can sometimes make them manipulative and controlling.

The scorpion stage is the earliest phase of evolution for a Scorpio. This is a time when they exercise power through self-denial, anger, and revenge.

Eventually, a scorpion in this stage will realize that the best way to find peace is through spiritual enlightenment and personal growth. This will eventually lead to the next stage, which is symbolized by the Eagle. These Scorpios are experts at navigating the ebb and flow of life.

2. The Eagle Stage

A Scorpio in the Eagle Stage operates with a higher sense of consciousness. They are courageous and strong, and have a natural inclination toward truth and deeper meaning.

They also rely heavily on intuition and Godly wisdom to solve problems. They are more concerned with spiritual matters than material ones, and their keen observational sense and powerful intuition help them to discern individuals quickly.

Unlike the scorpion, they do not seek to destroy their enemies completely. However, like the eagle, they will swoop down on their prey, defeat them and then fly back into the air.

3. The Phoenix Stage

The Phoenix Stage of Scorpio represents a life that is more balanced and healthy. This is the phase when a Scorpio learns to channel their powerful emotions into positive action. They also develop a deeper sense of purpose in their lives.

Scorpios in this totem are able to use their natural power to heal themselves and those around them. They live a balanced lifestyle and they are no longer ruled by base emotions such as anger and jealousy. They also have a greater capacity for empathy and observation without judgment.

4. The Scorpion Stage in Relationships

Scorpios are deeply passionate, both sexually and spiritually. They love the mysteries of life, and they’re curious about how our minds work. This makes them an ideal partner for a deep relationship.

They may bring up topics like astrology, paranormal phenomena, or even your favorite horror movies. They crave a little mystery in their relationships, and they’ll often be fascinated by your interest in these mysterious topics.

A Scorpio’s aggressive intensity can be misinterpreted as anger, but it can also lead to a powerful passion that can inspire you to pinpoint and live your truth. When they find someone who can understand them, they’ll stick around for the long haul.

5. The Scorpion Stage in Business

The scorpion is Scorpio’s first totem and reflects their low-level of mindfulness, explains intuitive astrologer and transformation life coach Lumi Pelinku. When Scorpios get fixed on something, they’re all-in and dogged in their approach — sometimes to a fault.

This can manifest as possessiveness, especially in relationships, and they’re likely to seek revenge against anyone who wrongs them. Likewise, Scorpios tend to take business setbacks and losses personally and seriously. They also crave the power, authority, and success that comes with leadership roles. They often lead by example and are willing to work hard for what they want.

6. The Scorpion Stage in Finances

Scorpios are incredibly resourceful in their financial dealings. They’re secretive about their net worth but have a clear sense of how to manage their assets wisely.

Ruled by Mars and co-ruled by Pluto, fixed watery Scorpio is passionate about personal growth. They’re interested in setting a high bar and then hitting, or even pushing past it whenever possible.

In terms of relationships, Scorpios tend to connect with other emotionally sensitive signs, like family-oriented Cancer and empathetic Pisces. Scorpios also get along well with other hard-headed, fixed signs like Taurus and Capricorn.

7. The Scorpion Stage in Health

Scorpios value deep emotional intimacy and seek it with a fierceness that can be misinterpreted as anger. They also have a strong memory, which helps them review actualities.

This sign loves to study the inner workings of people and is best suited for careers in psychology, law enforcement or medicine. They thrive in hectic and somewhat stressful professional environments that focus on making a difference.

Much like their symbol, the scorpion, these folks are bent on survival and will use whatever means necessary to achieve it. They have a dramatic flair for vengeance, but their true strength is their regenerative abilities.