Sexual exploitation involves exploiting children in order to get money. The practice is also known as commercial sexual exploitation. It is illegal and a violation of UN conventions. There are many different forms of sexual exploitation. One form involves the grooming of children. Another form involves the sexually based stalking of children.

Sexual Exploitation and Stalking of Children
Sexual Exploitation and Stalking of Children

Youth Collaboratory developed toolkit for youth service providers

The Youth Collaboratory has developed a toolkit to help youth service providers address sexual exploitation. This toolkit focuses on relationship-based prevention practices and research that help programs build lasting, positive relationships with young people. The toolkit also provides information for prevention efforts from a wide variety of perspectives, including the views and experiences of youth and their families.

The toolkit was created with input from youth service providers to promote awareness and prevent sexual exploitation. This toolkit was created to educate youth service providers on the topic of commercial sexual exploitation. The resource center is intended to support member organizations with information, resources, and training to effectively address the complexities of dealing with sexual exploitation and its aftermath. The resource center will continue to be updated and expanded as new information is available.

UNICEF co-chaired process to develop common United Nations set of standards for services for survivors of sexual violence and abuse

The UN Action process is a joint UN system-wide initiative that guides advocacy, knowledge-building, resource mobilization, and joint programming. It is based on Security Council resolutions. The goal is to develop a common set of standards for services for survivors of sexual abuse and violence.

The Ethiopian government has partnered with the aid community to provide humanitarian assistance, including the distribution of “Dignity Kits” by local NGO partners. It has also rebuilt health infrastructure and provided safe spaces for women and children. However, the international response was inadequate and the government and humanitarian organizations should have scaled up their programs more rapidly.

The UN co-chaired process to develop common standards for services for survivors of sexual violence and exploitation. The protocols outline core principles and requirements that must be met by all UN entities in order to provide assistance to survivors. The process also includes recommendations for strengthening the UN approach to sexual exploitation.

Grooming as a form of sexual exploitation

Grooming is a common way for persistent sex offenders to coerce sexual acts from their victims, usually without the use of physical force. This type of exploitation can happen both in person and online, and can happen without the victim knowing what is happening. The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children offers resources to help prevent child sexual grooming.

Grooming is often not easy to detect because it can take many forms. Groomers may seek out young people in public places or even create false profiles online. They may try to seduce their victims by offering food, cigarettes, and support.

Sexually-based stalking

Sexual exploitation and sexually-based stalker abuse are forms of sexual violence that involve unwelcome sexual attention and coercive behavior. They may include sexual slavery, pornography, and child abuse, among others. UN personnel are required to report such incidents whenever they reasonably suspect them, whether within the same agency or not.

Sexual harassment can include unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal and physical conduct. It can occur to people of any sex. The victim can be intimidated or embarrassed. These acts may take place in the workplace, school, or public place. Both forms of sexual harassment are criminal.