When a woman becomes pregnant, she may notice implantation bleeding. This light bleed can happen anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days.

Implantation Bleeding - What is it
Implantation Bleeding – What is it?

While this bleeding can indicate pregnancy, it can also indicate chlamydia or gonorrhoea. So, what is it? Read on to find out. You might be surprised by the answer! Read on to discover the answers to your burning questions.

Implantation bleeding is a light flow

The appearance of implantation bleeding is similar to that of your period. The implantation bleed is light and often comes and goes and is usually accompanied by mild cramping. It should last no more than a few hours. In rare cases, you might experience heavy bleeding. However, this is rare and there’s no need to worry. The implantation blood is a harmless flow and occurs between 10 and 14 days after conception.

Although some women experience pain and cramping after sex, others do not. Many women are confused about this condition, especially as implantation bleeding and menstrual bleeding have the same appearance. While the two conditions can be a nuisance, they are different and should be treated separately. Women who are pregnant should consult a doctor immediately if they experience irregular bleeding. Some women may have bleeding after sex, but this is usually a result of their menstrual cycle.

It lasts a couple hours to a couple days

Implantation bleeding is pink, similar to the color of period blood, and it usually occurs after a woman has sex. This type of bleeding can last anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days, depending on the circumstances. Fertilization of an egg takes seven to fourteen days, so implantation after sexual activity can occur between hours to a couple of days after intercourse.

While some women experience dark red or brown spotting, most women report only a few drops of blood. In addition, implantation bleeding rarely fills a pad or tampon. Nevertheless, women who are concerned about the blood can contact their doctor for further testing. They should wait for several more days before taking a pregnancy test to rule out other possible causes of the bleeding.

It can be a sign of pregnancy

While light bleeding after sex is not unusual during pregnancy, it can be a red flag that the egg has implanted. This type of bleeding may happen up to 10-14 days after conception. While it is not a cause for concern, it is a good idea to see your health care provider if you experience heavy bleeding. A woman’s body goes through two cycles during her pregnancy. It is important to note that most miscarriages occur during the first trimester, so you should contact your health care provider if you experience bleeding after sex.

This type of bleeding is also known as spotting and doesn’t last long. During pregnancy, the cervix changes and can become more sensitive, making it easier to bleed during sex. The blood may also be present during a vaginal exam, as well. The light bleeding that occurs after sex may be caused by implantation, which occurs when the embryo burrows into the uterine lining. This type of bleeding may also be accompanied by a bloody mucus show.

It can be a sign of chlamydia or gonorrhoea

Chlamydia or gonorhoea is a very common infection, and most people who have it don’t even know it’s there. About 10% of men and about 5 to 30% of women will have symptoms. Depending on the type of infection, however, you can expect to experience different symptoms.

STIs such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea can affect fertility and lead to serious infections. Fortunately, most cases of these infections can be cured with medication if diagnosed early. However, if you’re pregnant or are planning a pregnancy, you should get tested as soon as possible. If you’re positive for chlamydia, you should consult a doctor immediately. You should never put your unborn child at risk by ignoring symptoms.

Symptoms of chlamydia are usually confined to the area of infection. However, if the infection spreads to other parts of the body, you may experience pain during urination. Gonorrhoea can even cause blindness in children. If left untreated, gonorrhoea can even lead to the death of an unborn child.