Before you attempt to masturbate with a prank sock, you need to be sure you have the proper gear. There are several things you need to keep in mind, including sock size and color. It’s also important to pick a sock with holes in it.

How to Masturbate With a Sock
How to Masturbate With a Sock

Choosing a sock

Masturbating with a sock is a fun and easy way to change up your routine. Unlike using your hands, a sock is soft on the inside and will not leave stains on the outside. It also won’t draw attention to you, so you can use it again.

Socks are also great for cleaning. Many young men find socks to be a great masturbation catchall. Socks keep the mess under control and can easily be wiped up afterward. The socks also help keep your sexy puddle from affecting your floor or furniture.

Choosing a color

Masturbating with a sock is a classic ritual that many young men discover early on. Socks have many uses, and are an excellent catch-all for the dick. Not only do socks protect you and the other person from the mess, but they also let you clean up any stray leakage.

While there are many benefits to masturbating with a sock, the most obvious one is the hygiene factor. It’s gross to put on the same pair of socks over again, and it’s worse to stick your dick into it over. Some guys choose to use disposable tissues for this purpose.

Choosing a size

Choosing a sock for masturbation can be tricky, as it may vary from man to man. Some men find sock masturbation more comfortable than other forms of masturbation, and others find it less gross. Whatever your reason, you may want to consider choosing a sock with holes.

Socks make an excellent catch-all for a boy’s jizz, making them ideal for masturbation. Some boys even soak them in warm water before masturbating, simulating the sensation of a warm vagina.

Choosing a prank box

If you’ve been looking to prank someone with socks, there are a number of different options available to you. For example, you can send a box of socks to your spouse or girlfriend, with no need to include the sender’s details and no receipt. If you’re more discreet, you can send a box of white gym socks. This way, you can easily deliver the box right to their door without letting them know that you’ve sent them anything.