If you’re single, it’s not uncommon to feel like dating isn’t working for you. You might wonder why you don’t get more dates or better ones, and maybe you keep attracting the wrong types of people. Dr. Henry Cloud addresses these issues head-on in this book, which will help you learn how to de-mystify dating and find love in your life again.

How to Get a Date Worth Keeping
How to Get a Date Worth Keeping

1. Know yourself

It’s important to know yourself, because it will lead to more clarity and purpose in your life. It will also help you make better decisions, and it will help you build stronger relationships.

When you don’t know yourself, it can be easy to let other people decide what is important to you, such as your career or happiness. You may find that you’re letting your friends or family’s expectations influence your decisions, which can be damaging to your self-confidence.

Knowing yourself is a lifelong process that will bring you clarity, peace, and success. These books will help you get started on your journey towards discovering who you are and what you want to be. They will also help you discover the skills and talents that you have to offer to the world.

2. Know what you’re looking for

If you’re single and looking for love, it might be time to rethink your dating strategy. Psychologist Henry Cloud has helped countless singles find their perfect match and get on the path to finding a happy and healthy relationship.

The best way to start your search is by knowing what you’re looking for. It’s also a good idea to think about the things you don’t want in a partner, and the qualities that are most important in a long-term partner. Ultimately, this will help you determine whether or not you are ready to commit to someone. It will also help you know how to approach a potential date, and what to say on your first or second date. The key to a successful date is being able to communicate your needs clearly and openly with your date.

3. Know what you’re not looking for

If you are looking for a relationship, make sure to meet someone who shares your beliefs. It’s important to meet with someone who is willing to explore and expand your world as well. It’s not worth going on a date with someone who is only interested in the short term.

When you are on a first date, avoid divulging too many personal details. This can prevent the other person from taking advantage of your trust in them, suggests relationships coach Ar’nie Rozah Krogh. Also, steer clear of money talk. It can be a red flag for a number of reasons, including that the other party is not being sincere or doesn’t have your best interest at heart. Keeping in mind the process of dating rather than the outcome is another important aspect to take into account.

4. Know what you’re willing to give

Knowing what you’re willing to give is one of the most important factors in getting a date worth keeping. This includes giving up things that no longer serve you or your life and replacing them with more exciting things that will bring you happiness and joy. A date is an excellent time to experiment with new things and try to do some things you’ve always wanted to but never had the chance to do. If you aren’t sure what to do, don’t be afraid to ask for advice. There are plenty of people out there who are more than happy to help!

Now that you know what you’re willing to give and how to make it happen, you can get out there and enjoy the dating game for what it is: a fun and rewarding experience.