Having phone sex is more than just chatting on the phone. It is also about showing interest and listening to what your partner has to say. If you are planning on having phone sex with a man, there are several things you can do to make it go as smoothly as possible.

How to Do Sex Over the Phone
How to Do Sex Over the Phone

If you don’t know what to say, you can prepare lines in advance or even scenarios.

Getting ready for phone sex

Preparing for phone sex can be challenging, particularly for a first-timer. To make the experience more pleasurable, you should dress in lingerie or strip down a bit, and switch off your cell phone. The last thing you want is a work email robbing you of the mood you’re attempting to create.

When you are preparing for phone sex, try to imagine sexual situations in which you can express your feelings. This will help you to feel safe and confident when you are talking on the phone. You can also read a book with sexy descriptions, such as erotic novels.

While you’re prepping for phone sex, try to think of scenarios and specific lines that you’d like to use. It’s easier to think of a few lines than to think of all of them in one go. If you’re trying to remember 23 different lines in one go, you’re setting yourself up for failure. You’ll also be taking yourself out of the moment by thinking too much.

Getting ready for phone sex involves preparing yourself and your partner before the session. The mood you’re in plays a big part in both in-person and phone sex. You may want to prepare yourself by reading erotica or watching porn while you prepare. For the latter, you’ll also want to put your phone in a safe place.

Having a sexy conversation with your partner

Whether you’re trying to get your partner’s attention or just want to have some fun, having a sexy conversation over the phone is definitely possible! First of all, you should be completely honest about the fact that you want to do it. You should also make sure that you give your partner ample time to say no. You can also send flirty texts to hint at your intention. Always make sure that you give your partner enough time to opt out before doing phone sex.

Try to gauge if your partner is too shy. If they’re not, then try to make them more open by asking them questions that they don’t normally answer. You may also want to ask them about their plans and how they’re feeling. You can also try to get them to let off their inhibitions by asking them simple questions like, “How’s your day going?”

When talking to your partner over the phone, try to use sexy words to tickle their ego. Using words such as “heartbreaker” or “I love you” will help your man feel sexy and want to spend more time with you. Once you have done this, every phone call will turn into a special night!

Another way to start phone sex is to play a sexy song or a pornographic video. You can even use the name of your pet bedroom in the text messages. If your partner finds the topic uncomfortable, you can also try moaning instead of speaking dirty. Men will love it!

Having orgasm during a phone sex session

During a phone sex session, you have a few options to help you achieve a powerful orgasm. First, try to relax. This could mean spending some time alone, reading erotica, or watching porn. Another way to overcome the intimidating factor is to role-play scenarios or talk about your shared memories.

Next, remember to talk to your partner after the session. Despite what most people assume, you shouldn’t assume that it’s enough to have a phone sex session with your partner. Make sure you relax and talk to your partner normally afterward. In addition, you should avoid pretending to be a porn star.

Phone sex can be an interesting way to spice up your sex life and is a great choice if you’re in a long distance relationship. Once you feel comfortable, you can experiment and have fun with it. Just don’t be shy! Once you’ve relaxed and turned on, you’ll be much more likely to have an orgasm than if you hadn’t planned it beforehand.

Phone sex can be incredibly sensual. If you’re having a phone sex session with a woman over the phone, you’ll want to make sure she’s comfortable and not inhibited. You can use music or other distractions to make her more comfortable.