When it comes to having sex over the phone, the right techniques can make or break the experience. You need to listen to your partner’s body language, maintain a lively conversation and try to get out of your comfort zone. Here are some tips: Keep the conversation interesting, get consent, and be open and honest.

How to Be Good at Phone Sex
How to Be Good at Phone Sex

Keeping the conversation going during phone sex

During phone sex, the key is to stay connected to the other person. Try to think about things that turn you on and what puts you in a good mood. Write down some ideas or examples and practice them so you can make them sound natural. You can also ask your partner what turned him or her on.

Phone sex can be a fun, intimate experience. Try complimenting your partner for their body parts, sex expressions, or favorite locations. Being honest about your fantasies can go a long way.

Listening to your partner’s body language

One of the best ways to get your partner to feel more turned on over the phone is by listening to their body language. You can fill awkward silences by describing certain parts of their body, or facial expressions. It also helps to describe what they say and how they sound.

Before you begin phone sex, you should discuss it with your partner. You should both be comfortable with the idea and both have a good idea of what to expect. Phone sex is a great way to play with your kink and sex without having to change your usual sexual dynamic. For example, a dominant partner may ask a submissive partner to do certain actions for them. Submissive partners can also request to do certain things and talk about their kinks.

Phone sex can be awkward at first, so it’s essential to be comfortable with it. It also helps to be aware of your partner’s boundaries. If your partner doesn’t feel comfortable with the idea, you might want to discuss it with him or her first.

Getting consent to have phone sex

Before you start phone sex, it is important to get your partner’s consent first. It is more difficult to get consent for phone sex because the two partners can’t see each other’s faces, so they have to be more verbally explicit. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t get consent for phone sex. In fact, you can gauge your partner’s interest by using affirmations that are empowering.

If you’re using phone sex as a way to increase the intimacy in your relationship, make sure that you first get your partner’s consent before you start. Try to be as honest and open as possible when asking for consent. This way, you’ll avoid awkward moments during phone sex. You can even approach your partner through flirty texts that hint that you’re interested in having phone sex. However, you should give your partner an option to refuse.

Getting out of your comfort zone

To be good at phone sex, you need to get out of your comfort zone. For this, you can role-play a sexual encounter. When you role-play, you will be able to relax and feel more comfortable during the actual phone sex.

The most important rule of phone sex is to be spontaneous. You should listen to the man’s reaction to your lines, and not try to think too hard. If you’re trying to think of a line or scenario in advance, you won’t sound authentic and won’t get much feedback. It will also take a lot of time away from the moment.

Another important rule is to make phone sex as enjoyable as possible. It’s important to avoid turning off the music or ignoring your partner when you’re talking. This way, you won’t have to deal with the awkward silence that often occurs. In addition, you should use headphones to prevent your partner from hearing what you’re saying. Using headphones will also free up your hands. Also, make sure you don’t use speakers or cords that can tangle up in your partner’s hands.

Incorporating erotica into your phone sex routine

If you’re looking to spice up your phone sex sessions, then incorporating erotica into your routine is a great idea. Not only does it help you turn your partner on, but it can also help you learn new terms and words. It can also help you become your partner’s personal naughty storyteller.

First of all, you should pick someone you trust. Phone sex is a great way to ease into your sexual fantasies, especially for hookups and long-term relationships. You can create a persona for your phone sex session and pretend to be the opposite sex. You can also try new things and get creative.

One way to incorporate erotica into your phone sexting routine is to watch pornographic videos or listen to sexy stories. When you’re talking to your partner, comment on things you’d like to try. This will fill awkward silences without taking over the conversation.