If you’re wondering how many people masturbate, you’re not alone. The majority of adults masturbate at some point in their life. It can be as many as 78 percent for men and 59 percent for women. While some may use masturbation as a recreational activity, others do it during work hours.

How Many People Masturbate
How Many People Masturbate?

78 percent of adults masturbate

In a recent survey, 78 percent of adults worldwide confess to masturbating at least once. The study also found that men tend to engage in this practice more frequently than women. And, it shows that the men tend to do it for different reasons than women. According to the study, men tend to perform the act for pleasure more often than women.

Tenga, a company that produces sex toys, surveyed 10,000 adults in nine countries. The researchers found that women aged 25-29 are most likely to engage in masturbation at least once a week. Men aged 18-29 are also more likely to engage in masturbation on a weekly basis.

59 percent of women

According to a new survey, 59 percent of women masturbate. This is up from 49 percent in 2012. The study was conducted by the LoveHoney company, the world’s leading retailer of sex toys. It included 4,500 respondents. The survey found that 59 percent of women masturbate regularly, regardless of their relationship status.

Some women might be shy or feel uncomfortable discussing their sexuality with a partner. This may be a contributing factor to their masturbation. However, masturbation is a healthy part of sexuality and a good way to get to know one’s body. It can also help develop better communication in intimate relationships.

In addition, masturbation can improve the sexual experience between you and your partner. It can even help improve your sleep and ease chronic pain. Many women find masturbation more pleasurable than intimacy. Moreover, the chemicals released during an orgasm help fight various ailments in the body.

174 times for men

In the UK, it is estimated that men masturbate 174 times a year, compared to 59 times for women. This gap between men and women is 66%. Equal Masturbation Day is set for August 29 this year. It is important to recognize that masturbation is a legitimate and normal part of the sex life.

There are several different studies on how frequently men masturbate. In the UK, a survey conducted by CupidBay found that men masturbate an average of eight times a week. However, this survey is based on members of the site, so the results are not necessarily representative of the general population. Another study conducted in Ireland found that 25 percent of men masturbate on a daily basis. However, this survey was based on a large group of 12,000 participants, so it may not be representative of the overall population.

During work hours

A recent study by Time Out New York revealed that 39 percent of office workers admitted to masturbating during work hours. While this is a small sample size, the study also reveals that masturbation has many benefits, including improved productivity, reduced stress, and increased self-esteem.

The practice of masturbating in the workplace is not illegal, but it is still frowned upon by some employers as indecent exposure and workplace harassment. It can even result in a job loss. But despite the negative perceptions surrounding masturbation, the research shows that people are masturbating at work every day. The question is, how many of them are willing to admit it to their co-workers?

The study surveyed more than 1,000 people worldwide. They asked them to answer questions aimed at understanding how work-from-home workers spend their time. The results revealed that 35 percent of men and 17 percent of women admitted to masturbating during work hours. In addition, it found that younger respondents were more likely to engage in such practices.

While thinking about you

Have you ever wondered how many people masturbate while thinking about others? If you have, you’re not alone. Studies have shown that as many as 48 percent of women have thoughts about their previous partner during the act of masturbation. While it can be embarrassing to think about an ex while in bed, this act of fantasy is harmless and is completely normal.