How long does it take to conceive after having sex? The timeframe for ovulation is 12 to 24 hours.

How Long Does It Take to Conceive After Having Sex
How Long Does It Take to Conceive After Having Sex?

In addition, sperm must wait five to ten days before fertilization can begin. You can improve your chances of getting pregnant by being in sync with your menstrual cycle. During this time, you should aim to have sex before or during ovulation. After sex, new embryos may implant in the uterus in five to 10 days.


The time it takes to conceive after sex depends on a number of factors, including your age, birth control use and your fertility. According to Planned Parenthood, 85% of sexually active women between the ages of 15 and 44 who are not on birth control will become pregnant within one year. If you do not use birth control, you may be able to conceive within two to three weeks. The process is a complex one, with steps that include ovulation and fertilization.

After ovulation, an egg is released from one of the two ovaries. The egg remains in the fallopian tube for at least twelve hours before it disintegrates into the uterine lining. Once fertilized, the egg then travels to the uterus, where sperm can fertilize the egg immediately. This can occur immediately after sex or a week later.


The time it takes to conceive after sex can vary widely. Sometimes conception takes only a few hours while other times it may take up to a week. During this period, a new embryo is deposited in the uterus. Although the exact time it takes to conceive after sex depends on many factors, it usually takes about seven to fourteen days. To minimize the chance of missing ovulation, a woman should have sex every two to three days.

When conception occurs, the sperm fertilize the egg in the reproductive tract. The fertilized egg then travels to the uterus, where it implants in the uterine lining. This process usually takes six to 12 days after sex, but some women will experience symptoms of implantation before they even realize they’re pregnant. The length of time it takes to conceive depends on a woman’s age, fertility, and other factors.

Sperm in the cervical canal

The first step in conceiving is to have sex. The process begins when you ejaculate. Within minutes, sperm begin invading cervical mucus, a thick liquid coming out of the cervix. Sperm must swim through the cervical mucus and make it to the fallopian tubes. This process requires the cooperation of the egg and sperm and should take about five days after sex.

Once the sperm reach the cervical canal, they undergo several biochemical changes. One of these changes involves picking up tail-thrashing speed. This speed is necessary to make their way through the uterus and fallopian tubes. The cervical canal mucus has a specific design for sperm transport. The sperm must reach the egg to fertilize it.

HCG pregnancy test

If you are considering trying to conceive after sex, it is important to know the exact time frame. It usually takes about ten days for hCG to show up in a urine pregnancy test. However, conception does not begin the moment after sex, and it may take six days for the egg and sperm to unite and form a baby.

The best time to take a pregnancy test is between seven and 10 days after your last missed period. If you are unsure of your ovulation date, wait until you have missed your period for a full week. If you’ve been trying to conceive for a few weeks but haven’t yet, you can also test at home or visit your health department.

Best time to have sex

It may be difficult to predict when is the best time to have sex to conceives. However, there is an optimal time for heterosexual sex. During heterosexual sex, a man ejaculates and sperms travel through a woman’s vagina and cervix and unite with an egg. The fertilized egg then burrows into the uterus and develops into an embryo. Approximately nine months later, you’ve got your own baby. Understanding this process will help you determine when is the best time to have sex for fertility.

In addition, sperm cells have a very short shelf life and can expire due to heat and exercise. The optimal time to have sex to conceive is early in the morning, before 7:30 a.m., during the spring months. Researchers believe that this is the healthiest time for sperm. They also suggest that sperm’s internal 24-hour clock may play a role in timing the best time for sex.

Taking a pregnancy test before a missed period

If you’re trying to conceive after sex, you should take a pregnancy test before your missed period. You can start taking a pregnancy test as early as 10 days after your last unprotected sex. Most pregnancy tests are accurate as early as the day of your missed period, but some tests will tell you that you’re pregnant even before you’ve missed a period.

A urine pregnancy test can detect your pregnancy up to six days before you’ve missed your period. If you know when your period is due, you can start counting back. If you’re not sure, you can count out the days from the time you took the test. After seven to 10 days, you should start taking a pregnancy test to confirm your new life.