So how does sex feel for a woman? There are a lot of different factors involved, including the release of Dopamine and oxytocin.

How Does Sex Feel For a Woman
How Does Sex Feel For a Woman?

Let’s take a closer look at each of them to get a better understanding of the sensations that you’re likely to experience during your next encounter. You may also be surprised to learn that a woman’s clitoris, nipples, and clitoris all play a role in determining the sensation of sex.


One of the main causes of female sexual dysfunction is low levels of oxytocin. This hormone is a powerful vasodilator, which helps deliver blood to the sexual organs and induces a warm sensation in the body. It also acts directly on the part of the brain where orgasm is thought to occur. Women who experience multiple orgasms have higher levels of oxytocin in their blood. There are no blood tests that can detect a low level of oxytocin, but there are several symptoms that indicate an oxytocin deficiency. Women with persistent cold hands and feet, libido problems, and anxiety are some of the main symptoms.

One of the most significant differences between men and women lies in the refractory period of men. A man’s neurons cannot send the neurotransmitters necessary for sexual intercourse during this period. As a result, the duration of the refractory period can range from a few minutes to an hour to a whole day. Men’s refractory periods are generally much shorter than those of women, but the length of the period is dependent on various factors. For example, the larger the oxytocin output, the longer the refractory period will last.


Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain that triggers pleasure. It is a key element of reward-motivated behavior, and is responsible for triggering a female’s libido during flirtation and anticipation of intimate encounters. It also triggers oxytocin, a hormone that promotes deep emotional bonds between a couple. In fact, a single act such as cuddling can trigger the release of dopamine, which can alter the way a person thinks and behaves.

In addition to dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin are important for a female’s orgasm. During orgasm, nipples become sensitive and the hypothalamus prepares for an orgasm. The production of oxytocin and seroton also boosts a woman’s mood and increases her sensitivity.


The clitoris and vagina are both controlled by the pelvic and pudendal nerves. The vagus nerve connects to the cervix. Both of these structures use the vagus nerve to stimulate orgasm. The vagus nerve bypasses the spinal cord and can even cause a woman to experience orgasm while she is paralyzed. In addition, breast-feeding can also stimulate a female’s nipples. In fact, in some cases, a woman can climax just by stroking her nipples.

As the nipples contain many nerve endings, stimulating them can create an orgasm similar to the genital orgasm. According to certified sex therapist Holly Richmond, the numerous nerve endings on a woman’s nipples create an intense, sexual climax similar to a genital orgasm. However, achieving a nipple orgasm can take practice.


When it comes to sex, how does the clitoris feel for a female? While a man can stimulate his clit through various internal play, a woman can also use the external nub called the glans clitoris, which is about the size of a pea. The clitoris contains thousands of nerve endings and stimulated by a variety of stimuli.

The clitoris is very similar to the penis, including the vestibular bulb and legs. This erogenous zone is very sensitive and grows in size during puberty. After menopause, the clit can reach up to seven times its size. It’s not surprising that the clit plays a vital role in the clitoris sensation during orgasm.

Period cramps

If you’re wondering how period cramps can affect your sex life, then you’re not alone. Most women suffer from at least a little pain during their periods. Although mild cramps are nothing to be ashamed of, they can be an impediment to sex. If you’re experiencing severe pain, heavy bleeding, or serious fatigue, you’ll want to contact a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Your healthcare provider will ask you about your past treatment and period length.

While you’re feeling painful, sex during your period can help you enjoy yourself. Sex during your period can also increase lubrication, which can make painful sex much more pleasurable. However, you should be sure that you and your partner are comfortable with this. While some women are more comfortable with sex during their period, others don’t. If you’re unsure of whether your partner will be comfortable with your period, try talking to them and finding out their comfort level.

Comedown phase

A female’s sexual experience usually goes through a series of phases: the orgasm, climax, and comedown. The orgasm is the highest point of the sexual experience. The female feels intense pleasure, excitement, and elation. She may feel invincible and confident. During this stage, she releases tension and produces feel-good endorphins. She may also develop a rash or itch on her skin.

During the arousal phase, a woman’s breasts become fuller and the vagina begins to swell. She may retract her clitoris, which can be painful. She may also experience muscle spasms in her hands and feet. Her blood pressure increases, and she begins to consume more oxygen. She may also experience nausea and fatigue. Her vagina may even turn a deep purple color.