Summer time means fun and you may want to consider trying some of these games and activities with your phone lover. You may not be at the stage yet to meet in-person or perhaps you live in different areas. Whatever your situation may be with your phone friend, there are still many ways to have a great time with one another over the telephone.

Games to Play With Your Phone Lover This Summer
Games to Play With Your Phone Lover This Summer

The chat lines are open 24/7, so you and your phone lover can call and have fun whenever you want. Playing games over the phone is a way to maintain your relationship, enjoy one another’s company, and truly get to know one another better.

Sexts and Texts
One way to set the mood for your next phone date is to send a cute or sexy picture of yourself out in the sun. Show your phone lover what you enjoy doing during the summer. The more you are in communication with one another, the more you build! You can even use sexts as foreplay for your next phone date.

21 Questions
This is a great game if you want to learn more about another person. The concept is that you can ask any question you like to another person and the rule is that he or she must answer it honestly. You can either think of the questions ahead of time or go with the flow and ask as you think about what you want to know. You can take turns and find out a lot about your phone lover!

Ongoing Story
Another game you can have is to take it to a creative place by creating a story with one another. You can switch sentence by sentence and even make it erotic. This is a great way to be creative with you phone friend and can be very fun!