If you’re looking for funny sexual quotes, you’ve come to the right place. You can find sayings about sexuality and gender by some of your favorite comedians and artists. From Mae West to Woody Allen, there’s a funny sexual quote to fit every mood state. Read on for some examples.

Funny Sexual Quotes
Funny Sexual Quotes

Woody Allen

Woody Allen is a famous writer and actor who has a lot of funny sexual quotes to offer. Although he is well-known for his funny movies, sexual relationships have also played a role in his life, and this has certainly been reflected in his work. Many of his most famous quotes come from his own relationships. One of his famous quotes is, “I have two main priorities in life: love and fidelity.”

Woody Allen has a way of writing in such a way that he genuinely makes you laugh. Whether it’s a joke or a witty observation, his work is consistently quotable. His writing style is a little bit reminiscent of that of S.J. Perelman, and he has written dozens of humorous pieces for the magazine over the years. Some of these pieces are collected in his books, including Without Feathers (1975) and Getting Even (1978).

If you’re in a bad mood or stuck in a rut, try reading a few Woody Allen quotes. They’ll lift your spirits and get you motivated. These quotes will make you laugh, cry, or both! They’ll make you think about how you can improve your situation.

His films are a combination of comedies and dramas. Despite his early success, his films often feature the same persona that he first developed while working in comedy clubs. Some of his most famous movies include Annie Hall (1977), Manhattan (1979), and Hannah and Her Sisters (1986).

Although he has never made a movie about his relationship with his girlfriend, his sexual life is far from his only relationship. His films are also biographical, and often revisit the same pet subjects and relationship configurations. For example, he once adopted the daughter of his girlfriend. Apparently, he did not want his wife to find out about the affair, and thus ordered the murder of his mistress, Anjelica Huston.

Woody Allen was born in Brooklyn in 1935. He studied at New York University but dropped out after failing a course. He then became an actor, writer, and director. He became a cult favorite in the 60’s and 70s, resulting in a successful career. He is also known for his stand-up routines and his humorous monologues.

Mae West

Mae West has a long and colorful legacy in the entertainment industry. She was a legendary actress, playwright, and screenwriter. She influenced many women with her sexy stage performances and movies. And she was a strong role model for women worldwide. In addition to being a great actress, West was an incredibly witty woman.

Mae West’s sexuality and bold attitude earned her both praise and condemnation. She was considered a bawdy before the Hays Code, which forced her to censor her roles. Even after being forced to become more submissive, West began performing on stage and in films, including “I’m No Angel.” She also had a touring show, complete with loincloth-clad musclemen, and occasionally appeared on shows like “Mr. Ed.”