The code word green can be used to express things that you are really enjoying. To take the example of a hand around a neck, if it is something that you are enjoying, particularly if you did not talk about it, you can expand on not by saying green neck or green your hand on my neck. You can also use full sentences to describe that enjoyment and not the word. “Fuck, I really like your hand around my neck… moan.” Both are fantastic ways to communicate while you are having on mobile chat no login your feelings about things that are happening that are positive.
The words green, yellow, red, and additionally safewords, are only effective if you talk about them in advance. Many people in the BDSM community are already familiar with green red and yellow, and so less discussion may need to happen between members of that community, but it is still a good idea to bring the words up when you are talking about your turn-ons and what you would like to do in the phone sex chat. Many kinky phone sex chat communities are available here. These include dirty talk phone line, local kink chatlines, kinky mature sex chat, and more.
There are more than this as well of course, and part of the fun of phone sex communities is the exploration aspects. Feel free to call any of these phone sex communities and try them out. Sometimes people don’t know whether they like something until they have tried it, and phone sex hotlines are the perfect way to try some things out risk-free.