Today’s society moves at a dizzying pace. We are always convinced we need to be exercising, cleaning, cooking, working, shopping, running or multitasking to get even more accomplished. Often this overwhelming feeling of needing to be doing something, makes us feel guilty when we take a time out for ourselves to do something enjoyable like phone in to one of our free trial phone chats for an hour or two.

A Whole Day of Phone Sex
A Whole Day of Phone Sex?

Well we are here to tell you to stop thinking that way and take the time to enjoy a relaxing day on our party lines! Recent studies have shown that taking time for yourself has positive affects that can last through the week when we give ourselves time for a break. So pick up that phone and call in to chill and chat with your friends because you deserve it! And after you do, these are some of the added bonus effects to giving time back to yourself.

When you take a day to chill and hang out you may find that you have a more productive week. Rest and chill days help to recharge our ever draining battery, so get ready to kick ass at work when you get back to it. Rest and chill days also make you more adventurous. When you take a day to recharge your batter on one of our party lines, you may find you have more energy after to fire up those turbo boosters. You might want to get out for a hike, see a play, go on a date or hit the gym because you’ve primed your body and mind for it.

Time spend donating back to yourself is not time wasted and we need to be acutely aware of this. If you have a day where you want to chill in your sweats and talk the day away on our party lines, that is not wasted time because you are enjoying yourself and doing exactly what it is that you want to do! And remember, that little voice telling you what you “should” be doing is only in your head! Don’t let your own judgment keep you from doing what you want to do!